This unit will introduce you to perspective. You will draw the letters of your name within a shape you design. You will then add some depth and dimension with one-point perspective. Next, you will create patterns, textures, and designs to place within the letters. The elements of art we will focus on for this assignment are shape, space, texture. Mr. Stav will give a presentation in class on the videos in this section. If you missed the presentation then watch them on your own. You will also be assigned a Google Forms Test/Exercise through Google Classroom on perspective and the information in these videos.

Click on a thumbnail view below to view the larger image.

This section gives you some examples you can use for ideas to create your name. You don't need or have to do all the drawing around your name as in the last two examples, but should start doing so if you finish the required part before the due date. After your portfolio has been graded and returned to you, you can continue to decorate it throughout the year when you have time.


Follow the instructions below one step at a time in the order as they appear.

STEP 1: Draw a shape that you would like your name to fit in. Take a look at the shapes of the Spartan helmet, the Batman logo, and the shape that sort of looks like a double sided axe with points. To watch a detailed video on how to complete this step click here.

STEP 2: Try and get the letters of your name to fit within the shape you drew. This can take some work, and you may need to modify your shape or letters to get it to work. To watch a detailed video on how to complete this step click here.

STEP 3: Trace your name to the larger portfolio paper using a light box. Remember to have the open side as the top!!!! Also make sure to leave space where you want to add the vanishing point and linear perspective lines. To watch a detailed video on how to complete this step click here.

STEP 4: Add the linear perspective lines to make your name look 3-dimensional. Notice how the Spartan mask looks different from the other two. That's because the vanishing point has been placed at the center of the nose, whereas the vanishing point on the other two examples is below the letters. To watch a detailed video on how to complete this step click here.

STEP 5: Add the pattern and design to the face of the letters. Get creative, and make your letters bright & colorful. You can use color pencils, markers, and/or paint (watercolor or tempera). Check out the examples below, hanging in the art room, and what your classmates may be working on for inspiration.

STEP 6: Color or shade the depth area of the letters. Notice how on the examples the Spartan mask uses surface contour lines to enhance the form, the Batman logo uses colored markers, and the axe-like shape uses shaded pencil. Any/all of these methods work, they just give you a different look. Use which method you prefer, or works best for your project.

STEP 7: Write your first & last name, and period number on the inside flap at the top. Then turn your portfolio in for a grade. When you get it returned, you can continue to decorate around the perimeter like the two examples shown.