Serafina Valente, Full Professor
Prof. Serafina Valente is the director of the cardio-thoraco-vascular department of the University Hospital of Siena and the director of the Cardiology Hospital Complex Operating Unit of the University Hospital of Siena. Since 2008 she coordinates the II level University Master in "Clinical Competence in Cardiological Intensive Care" (directors in chronological order: Prof GF Gensini, Prof C Poggesi, Prof C Di Mario) of the University of Florence and has trained more than 150 cardiologists intensivists from all Italian regions.
Author or co-author of over 230 scientific papers (Pub Med)
Additional person involved in the project
De Vivo Oreste, MD
Dr. Oreste De Vivo graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Siena where he attended the Cardiovascular Disease department. He is actually a Cardiovascular Disease resident. His main fields of interest are acute heart failure, cardiologic intensive care unit practice and non-invasive cardiac imaging techniques. During the last year he worked as a Cardiologist in the Covid Unit of Le Scotte Hospital, Siena.