ULSS2 Marca Trevigiana, Treviso


Giorgio Scotton, MD

Doc Giorgio Scotton graduated in medicine and surgery from the University of Padua, then obtained a specialization diploma in Infectious Diseases at the University of Verona. After a period abroad (from 1983 to 1985) he returned to Italy to take up a position as a medical assistant first at the Cavarzere hospital and then at the Mirano hospital. In 1993 he became medical director at the Infectious Diseases Division of the Cà Foncello Hospital in Treviso. Since 2010 he has been Director of the UOC of Infectious Diseases at the Civil Hospital of Treviso.

Additional person involved in the project

Francesca Andretta, MD

Dr. Francesca Andretta got her degree in Medicine at university of Padova in 2016. Now she is doing a Specialization in infectious diseases and work as doctor in the infectious disease department of Ospedale Civile Ca’ Foncello Treviso (TV) where she works on the diagnosis and treatment of the main infectious diseases, whether transmissible or not, such as bacterial and fungal infections, HIV infection, tuberculosis, infections of the immunosuppressed or transplanted patient, hepatitis B and C and sexually transmitted infections.

Saverio Giuseppe Parisi, MD

Pediatrician, Infectious Diseases, Full Professor of Infectious Diseases at the University of Padua deals with pathogenesis and markers of progression and response to therapy, with particular focus on viral infections, and nosocomial infections.