Diego Ripamonti, MD.
Dr. Diego Ripamonti graduated with honors in medicine and surgery from the University of Brescia. He then obtained the specialization in infectious diseases at the University of Brescia. Since 2000 he has worked as an ID consultant in the ID unit with multidisciplinary expertise. Since 2015 he has been deputy director of the ID unit at ASST Papa Giovanni XXIII. he is responsible for the control of the DRG-related hospital discharge. Member of SMIT and ICAR, his research activity focuses on HIV and infectious diseases.
Additional person involved in the project
Claudia Suardi, Data Manager.
Dr. Claudia Suardi worked from 2005 to 2011 as Administrative Assistant at IVF Unit, AO Ospedali gathered in Bergamo. Since 2011 she has been the Data manager at FROM research project in ASST Pope John XXIII in the infectious diseases department.
Marco Rizzi, MD
Doc Marco Rizzi has a degree in medicine and surgery and a specialization in Tropical Medicine at the Luigi Sacco hospital in Milan. In 1999 he took part in the HIV / AIDS Training Program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases, University of California-San Francisco General Hospital. He is director of the infectious disease unit at ASST Papa Giovanni XXIII in Bergamo.