Misericordia Hospital, Grosseto

Antonio Perrella; MD

Dr. Perrella is the director of UOC Pneumology P.O. Misericordia, USL SUDEST Toscana. Dr. Perrella specializes in Diseases of the respiratory system. The specialization was achieved at the University of Siena.

Additional person involved in the project

Francesco Bianchi, MD

Graduated in medicine and surgery at the University of Siena, Dr. Bianchi is specialized in Pneumology at the University of Florence. In 2020 he worked as a physician in charge at COVID-19 Unit in Siena “S.Maria alle Scotte” Hospital (during COVID-19 pandemic emergency). Since February 2021 he has held the role of specialist physician in Pulmonology affiliated with Grosseto “Misericordia” Hospital. His works are focused on asbestos tumors, sarcoidosis and lung diseases.