Angelo Hospital, Venezia


Sandro Panese, MD

Dr. Sandro Panese has been working at the Infectious Diseases Departments of Venice and Mestre since 1992, and he has been director of these Departments, now part of Azienda ULSS 3 Serenissima, since 2017.

His main area of interest are viral infections, particularly HIV infection, and hepatitises.

He participated as a speaker in more than 130 scientific congresses and formative events.

He has been involved in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic from the very beginning, february 2020, also as member of Crisis Unit of AULSS3 Serenissima.

Additional person involved in the project

Saverio Giuseppe Parisi, MD

Pediatrician, Infectious Diseases, Full Professor of Infectious Diseases at the University of Padua deals with pathogenesis and markers of progression and response to therapy, with particular focus on viral infections, and nosocomial infections.

Stefano Baratti, MD

Dr. Stefano Baratti graduated in Medicine & Surgery at University of Padua in 2017. He is currently training in infectious and tropical diseases at Specialization School of Padua University and practicing as doctor in the Infectious Diseases Department of Ospedale dell'Angelo in Mestre Venezia, where he works on the diagnosis and treatment of the main infectious diseases, such as bacterial and fungal infections, HIV infection, tuberculosis, infections of the immunosuppressed or transplanted patient, viral hepatitises, STDs, and lately on SARS-CoV-2 infection