Impact of Host Genome
on COVID-19 clinical variability 

GEN-COVID is a network of more than 40 Italian Hospitals, 16 Continuity Assistance Special Unit (USCA) and 8 Departments of Preventive Medicine led by Professor Alessandra Renieri of the University of Siena in Italy. Physicians of several specialties from Infectious Diseases to Anesthesiology, Respiratory Diseases, Cardiology, Rheumatology, Neurology ENT specialty and Medical Genetics will prove the basis for a detailed patient Registry and Biobank of samples. The network started its activity on March 16, 2020 after IRB approval and since then more than 3000 patients have been collected and sequenced, in order to develop a genetic-based approach to understand the clinical variability of COVID-19 public health emergency. 

The project collected and organized high-quality samples and data whose integrity was assured and could be readily accessed and processed for COVID-19 research using existing interoperability standards and tools. To this end, a GEN-COVID Biobank (GCB) and a GEN-COVID Patient Registry (GCPR) were established utilizing already existing biobanking and patient registry infrastructure. The collection of samples and data are now utilized in the GEN-COVID Multicenter Study for generating Genotyping (GWAS) and whole-exome sequencing (WES) results. The data resulting from these studies are then stored and made available through the GEN-COVID Genetic Data Repository (GCGDR).

The GEN-COVID study is connected with the HGI Human Genetic Iniziative (


This project aims to rapidly respond to the current COVID-19 outbreak, at time of writing worldwide cases now reach >700,000 and are rapidly rising as testing becomes more widespread. Healthcare systems are threatened and, in some instances, failing. GEN-COVID will bring a strong evidence-based approach through the most advanced science, making use of the widest possible sets of patient data and genetic material in order to identify genetic cause of clinical variability useful for the diagnosis, prognosis and personalized treatment of COVID-19.

To achieve this overall aim, we will address the following specific objectives:


Title: “Editing dell'RNA contro il Sars-CoV-2: hackerare il virus per identificare bersagli molecolari e attenuare l'infezione (HACKTHECOV)”

Duration: 2021-2022;


Title: “Host genetics and pathogenetic mechanisms of COVID-19 (PAT-COVID)”

Duration: 2021-2022

Title: "Identification of the genetic bases determining the clinical variability of COVID-19 in the Italian population (GEN-COVID)"

Duration: 2021-2022

Title: "International consortium for integrative genomics prediction (INTERVENE)" - Grant Agreement No. 101016775

Duration: 2021-2025


Title: "Identificazione delle basi genetiche del COVID-19 nella popolazione italiana"

Duration: 2020-2021


The Expertise of the GEN-COVID Network

This network in built on the expertise of leading physicians in Italy. The network is led by Alessandra Renieri (UNISI), renowned medical geneticist with outstanding expertise in massive parallel sequencing and inventor of 2 CRISPR/Cas9 gene-editing patents. 

Click here for opening the list of physicians

Key Public Health Deliverables of the GEN-COVID Network 

The key deliverables of the project are:

Publications related to the project:

Martelloni G., et al

Front Genet. 2024 May.

Minnai F., et al

Sci Rep. 2024 February.

D J Farias  T., et al

HLA . 2024 January.

Stanelle-Bertram S., et al

Cell Rep Med. 2023 September.


          Baldassarri M.,  et al


         Cells .  2022 Dicember. 


          Butler-Laporte G. et al


          PLOS Genetics .  2022  November. 


            Onoja, A. et al


           Commun Biol.  2022  October. 


              COVID-19 Host Genetics Initiative 


           Nature .  2022  August.


               Renieri A. 


           Eur J Hum Genet .  2022  July. 


               Buchanan, C. J ., et al. 


            Science.  2022  June. 


               Cruz R ., et al. 


            Hum. Mol. Genet.  2022  June.  


               Zhang S ., et al. 


              Cell Syst .  2022  June. 


                Zguro K., et al. 


              Viruses .  2022  May. 


                Zguro K., et al. 


              Eur J Hum Genet .  2022  May.   


               Gabbi C., et al. 


            J Infect  .  2022 Sep. 


                 Mantovani S. , et al. 


                Genes Immun.  2021 Dec 24:1–6. 


                   Nakanishi T , et al. 


                  J Clin Invest. 2021 Oct 1:e152386. 


                 Fallerini C., et al. 


                Hum Genet 2021 Dec 10;1-27. 


                 Zanella I, et al. 


         Int J Mol  Sci. 2021, 22(13), 6991 

           COVID-19 Host Genetics Initiative

           Nature 2021. 

           Baldassarri M, et al 

                   J. Pers. Med. 2021, 11(6), 558 

  Isidori AM, et al

                   EBioMedicine. 2021 Jun;68:103426.    doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2021.103426 

           Fallerini C, et al 

                   J Hematol Oncol 2021, 14, 123. 

                    Croci S, et al.

                    Autophagy. 2021 Dec 29:1-11.


                  Monticelli M., et al. 


                  Genes 2021, 12(4), 596:   

Fallerini C, Daga S, Mantovani S et al.

eLife. 2021 Mar 2;10:e67569. 

Baldassarri M, Picchiotti N, Fava F, et al.

EBioMedicine. 2021 Mar;65:103246. 

Picchiotti N. et al.

                Cardiol Cardiovasc Med 2021; 5 (6): 673-694 

Daga S, Fallerini C. et al.

Eur J Hum Genet. 2021 Jan 17:1-15.

Pairo-Castineira E,  et al.

Nature. 2020 Dec 11. 

Butler-Laporte G,  et al.

Int J Epidemiol. 2020 Dec 8:dyaa229.

Benetti E,  et al.

PLoS One. 2020 Nov 18;15(11):e0242534.

Zhang Q,  et al.

Science. 2020 Oct 23;370(6515):eabd4570.

Bastard P,  et al.

Science. 2020 Oct 23;370(6515):eabd4585.

Benetti E, Tita R. et al.

Eur J Hum Genet. 2020 Nov;28(11):1602-1614. 

GEN-COVID Registry and Biobank 

The Genetic Biobank of Siena has over 20 years of experience and is certified by over 10, with a consolidated infrastructure of document management and quality management (standard operating procedures, operating instructions, policies). The collection, management and storage of patient data are performed in accordance with applicable regulations (GDPR) and WHO guidelines and standards developed at national and international level by BBMRI, the National Node of the European Research Infrastructure of Biobanks and BioMolecular Resources.

The Biobank aims to make biological samples available to researchers (academia and individuals) working on rare and common diseases including COVID-19. The Biobank collects high quality samples and patient data in a uniform way and ensuring their FAIR management (Reperible, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable). It is part of the Telethon network of genetic biobanks (TNGB) of EuroBioBank (EBB), RD-Connect an BBMRI-IT.

The biobank belongs to EuroBioBank (EBB), BBMRI-IT and RD-Connect.

The Biobank and the Registry are ISO9001 and ISO15189 certified (certificate 199556-2016-AQ-ITA-ACCREDIA) and accredited according to SIGU (Italian Society of Human Genetics) requirements (Certificate 204107-2016-AQ-ITA-DNV). 

How to Join GEN-COVID Network

The number of Hospitals belonging to GEN-COVID Network is continuously growing with a rate of about 3 per week.

How to join GEN-COVID being an Italian Hospital

Both University Hospitals and Local Health Units enrolling COVID-19 patients can contact Francesca Mari The first step is to enter the new center with an IRB amendment at the Hospital of Siena. Subsequently, all documentation is sent to the new hospital's IRB for approval.

How to join GEN-COVID being an Italian Biobank

The samples are collected centrally in Siena and deposited in the certified BBMRI biobank from which they are available to the whole scientific community. The joining of other biobanks are welcome because they can act as a local node, with primary deposit at the local biobank, sending an aliquot for WES, GWAS and back-up to Siena.

The biobanks must also be included among the participating centers with an IRB amendment (contact Ilaria Meloni

How to join GEN-COVID being a SME or a Research Center

The role of SME and research centers can be valuable for possible integration of the main analyzes. Once the candidate genes have been identified, there will certainly be a need for validation analysis (contact Elisa Frullanti

How to join GEN-COVID being BE

The network GEN-COVID is looking for Big Enterprise who may contribute to research development, using the Registry and Biobank for developing products meeting clinical needs in the COVID-19 outbreak. BE interested can contact the PI Alessandra Renieri,  

May 2021 Accademia Scienze, Torino 

General public, Italian

It is uor genes, in addition to age, that determine wether we will fall sickwith severe life-threatening COVID-19 ora have a simple cold. It is the GEN-COVID study involving 40 italian hospitals  to prove this. The genes that determine severity are different between males and females and therefore the drugs that could help in severe COVID must also be different. Some males get sick because there is a defective gene that does not "feel" the presence of the virus (TLR7). The gene is on the X chromosome and females are protected by the second copy of  gene.  In these cases, the administration of the interferon ( whose production is stimulated by the normal gene) could help overcome the disease. In other cases, different pathogenic mechanisms due to the sum of genes that are a little less functional than they should, lead to serious disease.  Also in these cases, in males, testosterone (a powerful natural inflammatory molecule )  or drugs that limit the complement cascade, a system that is activated in inflammation, could help. So knowing our genes could help us cure COVID-19 and also predict its severity. 

February 2021 Accademia Fisiocritici, Siena 

General public, Italian

It is clear to everyone that the disease caused by Sars- CoV-2 virus does not have the same intensity and symptoms in the people who contract it. The reasons are explained by Professor Alessandra Renieri, geneticist and physiocritical Academic, in the appointment of the "today's Medicine" cycle entitled "Why does COVID-19 affect in different ways? Individual genetics determine the severity of the disease".

Machine Learning approach to untangle host genetics complexity in COVID-19_long.mp4.mp4
COVID-19 and dehumanisation 2021.mp4

October 2021 ASHG meeting

Scientific, English

Common, low frequency, rare and ultra-rare variants contribute to COVID-19 severity

Host genetics is an emerging theme in COVID-19. A handful of common polymorphisms and some rare variants have been identified, either through GWAS or candidate gene approach. However, an organic model is still missing. We applied a gene-based approach to Whole Exome Sequencing data of 2,200 SARS-CoV-2 infected subjects with different clinical expressivity, from very severe to oligo-asymptomatic, within the GEN-COVID cohort. Common, low frequency, rare and ultra-rare variants were tested separately. Autosomal genes were tested separately from genes on the X chromosome. LASSO logistic regression was applied under the assumption of either dominant or recessive phenotype. Both sexes were tested together and separately. Among 18,347 tested genes, about 2,000 genes were found to be contributing after multiple train-test splits. Among these, ¼ of genes was sex specific. These latter genes are under sexual hormone control, such as the testosterone down-regulated TLR3 gene or the estrogen down-regulated TLR5 gene, and exert their effect in one sex only. Integrated PolyGenic Score (IPGS) was calculated as (nmildness - nseverity common) + F1 (mmildness - mseverity low-frequency) + F2 (xmildness - xseverity rare) + F3 (ymildness - yseverity ultra-rare), where F is a weighting factor taking into account the assumption that the impact of protein function inversely correlates with frequency. The weighting factor for ultra-rare is so high that, when the ultra-rare is present, the model simulates Mendelian inheritance such that it happens in TLR7 ultra-rare variants, which we and others proved to be an inherited X-linked form of COVID-19. IPGS is able to improve prediction of clinical outcome in addition to the already known powerful factors, such as age and comorbidities, and profiles a specific genetic signature for adjuvant therapy. A platform of clinical trials based on genetic markers has been submitted to Italian Drug Agency AIFA. This is the first modelling of a genetic complex disease taking into account whole variability from common to ultra-rare variant and it can be translated to many other complex disorders.

October 2021 COVID-19 and dehumanisation meeting Siena

General public, English

COVID-19, the disease originated by the Sar-CoV-2 virus, does not have the same intensity and symptoms in every infected people. In addition to age, our genes determine whether we will get serious life-threatening COVID-19 or have a simple cold. The GEN-COVID multicenter study, coordinated by prof. Alessandra Renieri and involving more than 40 Italian hospitals, proved this. One of the most relevant results is that the genes that determine severity are completely different between males and females. Therefore the drugs that could help in severe COVID-19 must also be different. Some males get sick because there is a defective gene that does not "feel" the presence of the virus (TLR7 gene). This gene is on the X chromosome and females are protected by the second copy of the normal gene. In these cases, the administration of interferon (whose production is stimulated by the normal gene), in addition to the standard therapy, could help overcome the disease. In other cases, different pathogenetic mechanisms due to a set of less functioning genes lead to a serious disease. Also in these cases, in males, testosterone (a powerful natural inflammatory) or drugs that block leucocyte and platelet adherence to the vessel wall, could help. So knowing our genes helps us cure COVID-19 and also predict severity or transmission in family members.


March 10, 2021  Dìmartedì show, channel La7

General public, Italian

March 23, 2021  Dìmartedì show, channel La7

General public, Italian


 December 14, 2021  Dìmartedì show, channel La7

General public, Italian