USL Toscana Sud Est


Maurizio Spagnesi, MD

Doc Maurizio Spagnesi graduated in medicine and surgery from the University of Pisa and specialized in Hygiene and preventive medicine at the University of Pisa. Completed Military Service as a Medical Officer student at the Army Military Health School in Florence, he became medical assistant at the Public and Territorial Hygiene Section of the former U.S.L. 27 in which food hygiene and nutrition services were provided in addition to those relating to public health, environmental hygiene and forensic medicine. Today he is Director of the Prevention Department of the USL Toscana sud est.

Additional person involved in the project

Maria Bandini, MD

Dr. Bandini graduated in Medicine and Surgery and specialized in Cardiology and in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine. During her career she worked as an internal doctor at the medical clinic of the University of Siena and as Assistant of Hygiene Epidemiology and Public Health at the local health company in the province of Varese. At the moment you hold the position of manager of the ASL of II band at the ASL of Siena.

Paolo Piacentini, MD

Doc Paolo Piacentini has a degree in medicine and surgery from the University of Florence. He then obtained the specialization in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine in 1991 at the University of Pisa. After a stint as a medical officer in the Navy, he headed the Screening Center and was responsible for evaluating cancer screening programs. At the moment he is Director of the complex operational unit of the Grosseto demographic and epidemiological system.

Davide Romani, MD

Dr. Davide Romani is a Medical Director of the medical Functional Unit U.F. Public Health and Nutrition at Azienda U.S.L. Toscana Sud-Est.

Elena Desanctis, MD

Dr. Desanctis is graduated in Medicine and Surgery at University of Florence. She is specializes in Hygiene and Preventive Healthcare, course of Epidemiology and Public Healthcare obtained at University of Florence. She is medical director within U.O.C (Complex Operative Unity) Hygiene and Public Healthcare of the Healthcare public body USL Toscana sud est with tasks related to institutional activities within the public healthcare. Supervisor of Functional Unity Public Hygiene and Nutrition within Arezzo, Casentino and Valtiberina zone. Province coordinator for Arezzo of Public Hygiene and Nutrition area. Zonal coordinator of Prevention for Arezzo area. Substitute Director U.O.C. Hygiene and Public Healthcare. Supervisor of Vaccination network e Primary Cares Link within Healthcare public body Azienda Usl Toscana Sud est

Silvia Cappelli, MD

Dr. Cappelli is chief medical officer in the Department of Public Hygiene and Nutrition. South East Tuscany Health Authority, Territorial Departiment: Valdichiana - Amiata Senese. She graduated in Medicine and Surgery and specialized in Hygiene and Public Health at the University of Siena. After working as a freelancer for several years, she was hired in 1993, as 1st Level Medical Director, at the Hygiene and Public Health section of the ASL7 of Siena Valdichiana area. You have attended numerous refresher courses and in particular two advanced courses, one in food hygiene and nutrition in 1998 at the Sapienza University of Rome and the other in Clinical and Dietetic Nutrition in 2002 at the University of Siena. In recent years you have participated in various Health Education interventions in the School and in associations both in the field of infectious diseases and in the field of food (food counseling).