Using WeVideo

District 127 has purchased WeVideo Edu licenses for both students and teachers to use. This license allows for greater storage, access to advanced features, and access to additional free content. WeVideo is an excellent choice for all of your flipped lessons and student video projects.

Using WeVideo - Getting Started

Using WeVideo to Create a Screencast Lesson

Using the Green Screen with WeVideo.mp4

Using the Green Screen with WeVideo

Screen and Webcam Recording in WeVideo.mp4

Screen & Webcam Recording

Recording a Slideshow Presentation with WeVideo.mp4

Recording a Slideshow

Editing in WeVideo.mp4

A Little More Detail on Editing

Creating Collaborative Video Projects

Exploring WeVideo

(from 11/2/20)

Exploring WeVideo

Creating Effective Asynchronous Video Lessons

(from 11/2/20)

Creating Effective Video Lessons Playlist
Creating a Collaborative Video in WeVideo.pdf
Using WeVideo in Schoology

Planning Questions

  1. Does my message meet the criteria/expectations for the assigned project?

  2. Does the format and tone of my video match my message?

  3. Is my message fully represented by the media that I have chosen to include?

  4. Is the content of my video organized and consistent?

  5. Does my video engage my intended audience or is it distracting or boring?

Possible Video Formats

  • Interview

  • Newscast

  • Movie Trailer

  • Clips w/ Voiceover

  • Screencast/Explainer Video

  • Animation

Video Project Planning Organizer

Recording Video with the IPEVO Ziggi Document Cameras

Great option for students creating video projects for class and for teachers creating flipped lessons.

Screencasting a Presentation using Google Slides and WeVideo