The Google Applied Digital Skills curriculum is a set of lessons, units, and resources aimed at helping teachers teach 21st Century Skills. While that in itself is great, once you dive into the resources you realize though that this is actually so much more. Whether or not you use the lessons is up to you, but we are sure everybody has had a moment where they wish they could just attach a how-to or a quick idea on how to use something to their lessons. This takes the stress out of worrying whether or not students know how to use a specific Google Product and lets you focus on teaching.

Two Ways to Use This

To Use The Lessons Within Google:

1)Sign Up

Choose the lessons from the free digital curriculum that suits your needs.

2) Teach and Encourage

Students progress at their own pace, so you can provide individualized attention.

3) Evaluate Students

Track their achievements through the site.

4) Foster Collaboration

Group Projects offer opportunities for team work.

To Use The Resources on Schoology:

1) Sign Up

Go to the Curriculum Page and sort by the app you need.

2) Breaking it Down

Once in the lesson, you can see all the training videos and resources.

3) Make it Useful

Link the original video or download it to your Google Drive and put the links on either your Schoology page or within the assignment itself.

4) Rest Easy

You can trust that Google is updating these as their apps change and improve so the videos are always up to date.

Other Tips About the Resources:

*To The Right is an example resource for the creative lesson about making "If/Then Stories"*

  1. Accessibility is Key Here - Students can change the playback speed, activate captions, and/or read the transcript of the video.

  2. Detailed Walkthroughs - They have screen captures of the material being presented so students can follow each and every step.

  3. Skill/App Breakdown - Before the specific lessons you can see an overview page with each skill covered, content areas covered, apps used, and even the specific purpose of each resource. This is where you will spend most of your time when deciding how you want to incorporate these materials into your curriculum.

  4. PiP Player - You can watch one video while surfing the rest of the resources and materials. This is great for students who are working on multiple things at once or students working in groups.

  5. It's Not Just About Google - There are lessons/units on here about research, staying organized, and being productive.