Station Rotation

what is it?

This is a model our blended cohort is probably familiar with. Essentially, it allows students to rotate through stations on a fixed schedule, where at least one of the stations is an online learning station. As the second image notes, we can rotate through these stations in a class period, a week, or a unit.

In order for this to work seamlessly, you have to de-sequence the activities. Some students may have their in-person instruction on Tuesday, some not until Friday.

We like this model because of the balance it provides:

  • between student-teacher interactions, student-content interactions, student-student interactions, and student-self interactions

  • and between teacher-led, on-line, and offline work.

Plus, all students complete the same activities, so it won't seem like extra preps for our three cohorts of students.

The challenge, of course, is working to de-sequence activities. It's tricky. Consider this challenge, though, as you revise your learning targets for your hybrid units. How might you have various learning targets that can operate independently of one another?

how do i do it?

First, decide on your 3-4 stations. Then, group your students. You can work either homogenously or heterogeneously by cohort or readiness level. These two resources provide examples for what kinds of activities work in different kinds of stations:

English Station Ideas

"Planning a Station Rotation in your English Classroom"

Catlin Tucker

"Virtual Station Rotation"

Stephanie DeMichele

Virtual Station Rotations ECESD PD

"Virtual Station Rotations"

Jordy Tollefson and Marilyn McAlister

sample agenda and template

Station Rotation Example

sample agenda

Station Rotation Template

agenda template

station rotation resources

"The Concurrent Classroom: Using Blended Learning Models to Teach Students In-person and Online Simultaneously" by Catlin Tucker

"Station Rotation in an Era of Social Distancing" by Catlin Tucker

"Planning a Station Rotation Lesson for Your Math Classroom" by Catlin Tucker

"How to Make Station Rotation Work During Hybrid Learning" by Kara Duoma