Planning for E-Learning

Professional Development Resources

Possible e-Learning Activities

Things to Consider


  • Bring your computer and charging cord home every night

  • Bring home copies of upcoming materials

  • Discuss with your teaching teams about the best methods for communication


  • Make sure your weekly agenda document/schedule is at the top of your course pages

  • Prepare clear, transparent schedules (agenda, calendar, hyperdoc)

  • Use consistent naming (titles match the schedule)

  • Include internal Schoology links for quick access


  • Identify essential learning (standards & learning targets)

  • Assign a reasonable amount of work & minimize busy work.

  • Build assessments and projects that clearly align with essential learning to measure mastery.


  • Identify best communication procedure

    • Open Q & A discussion on Schoology

    • Email

    • Google Hangout Chat or Zoom?

  • Establish plans for providing feedback

    • Comments within work

    • Formative checks with immediate or quick results

    • Grades entered in a timely manner with comments

Things to Keep in Mind

  • Online learning can be so much more than just a replacement or substitution for in-class learning. Consider ways that online learning can enhance or redefine the traditional learning experience.

  • Be flexible with your timing. The students will need time to adjust & acclimate to this shift; there will be a learning curve involved for all stakeholders.

  • Have a reasonable expectations for what students have time to complete outside of the classroom. Focus more on what it will take to meet the intended outcome and not on finding 50+ minutes worth of "stuff".

  • Know that you are not alone! Please reach out for ideas, construction assistance, testing, and/or reflection.