GCHS Remote Learning Strategies Newsletter

Class Playlist Bellringer, 3, 2, 1, Go!, & Monitoring Breakout Rooms


Creating Class Culture, monitoring breakout rooms, and using the waiting room creatively

smore_newsletter (1).pdf

Supporting all learners: Executive functioning, literacy, closed captioning, and co-teaching strategies

smore_newsletter (2).pdf

Jamboard, drag-and-drop assignments, and choose your own breakout room

smore_newsletter (1).pdf

Intro to hybrid teaching models:

The Hybrid Sandwich

The flipped model for instruction


Station rotation

issue #7

personalized learning

pd Recap From November 2nd

Making the most of your HP whiteboard, Try it-Talk-it strategy, using hyperimages

Finding closure without final exams

Getting Hybrid Ready, Part II

More Hybrid Tips

Planning for an a/b schedule

Fill out our Google Form to submit strategies