Planning an e-Learning Week

(Enter the HyperDoc)


What are they?

  • By design, the HyperDoc is an interactive, self-paced learning guide.

  • It can guide students through a single lesson, a learning target, or an entire unit.

  • We're asking that you post a weekly agenda every Monday so that students can plan their week-- BUT, know that the weekly agenda HyperDoc can link to more HyperDocs!

  • In their traditional form, HyperDocs follow Learning Cycles and models (more on these below)

      • Explore, Flip, Apply

      • 5Es

      • HyperDoc 7 Step Model

      • Playlist method

      • The Grid Method

      • Vic's UbD Model (not really a *thing*, but I'd consider the examples on the right to be moving through the UbD stages in a kid-friendly way).

03 - Lit Circle Unit Overview & Learning Targets
10 - Learning Target Portfolio
Quote Blending HyperDoc

The Templates


  • Push out your agenda by Monday morning.

  • Link to it in a pinned update in Schoology, or at the top of your Schoology page.

  • Include all relevant links for the week:

    • Zoom links

    • Schoology assignments

    • Videos, online resources

    • Screencasts or intro videos

  • Include the week's learning targets

  • Include additional resources for extension or remediation opportunities

Agenda Template -- Full Remote


Sample HyperDoc


The Self-Paced Model

  • This model works especially well for a hybrid schedule.

  • Be sure to include check-points for formative assessment and feedback before students complete a summative assessment.

  • Consider following any of these learning cycles:

    • Explore-Flip-Apply

    • Workshop Model: Connect, Teach, Engage, Application, Reflection

    • 5E Instructional Model: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate

    • HyperDoc Model: Engage, Explore, Explain, Apply, Share, Reflect, Extend

  • Your weekly plan might encompass an entire learning cycle, or just a fraction of one

  • Visit the HyperDoc resources at the bottom of the page for more on learning cycle help


The Teacher-Curated Playlist

  • Consider: have you gathered some kind of data (an interest survey, a formative assessment) to help you guide students down a certain path? Want to create groups working toward a similar goal? Want to split the class so that you and your co-teacher can each tackle a different group?

  • Push out these as individualized playlists. Perhaps you're leveling texts, including extension assignments, jigsawing content, or using flexible grouping in another way.

  • Individually assign these to students through Schoology rather than pushing out each option to everyone.

  • A word of caution: beware of including more tracking within your class. High achieving students shouldn't be assigned more; students who struggle on an assessment shouldn't be given less rigorous experiences. Mix up your groups!

Teacher-Directed Differentiation HyperDoc


The Student-Curated Playlist

  • Ask yourself: How could you begin to let go of some control in the classroom, allowing students to decide what they learn, how they learn it, or how they demonstrate mastery?

  • In this option, navigate between long merged rows for tasks that everyone must complete, and multi-columns for tasks that have options.

Student Choice HyperDoc


Quote Blending HyperDoc



  • If you haven't experienced this before, it's best to start by looking at a sample.

  • The idea is that students begin at the bottom level of DOK and that skills and content become more difficult as they cycle up from left to right.

  • If you follow the philosophy of The Grid Method, students must achieve at least 85% mastery before moving on to the next learning opportunity.

  • Find moments to pause and bring the whole class together, even if students are in different places.

The Grid Method


MASTERY GRID: Cell Energy - Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration


The 5E Hyperdoc

  • Instructors deliberately choose web tools to give students to Engage, Explore, Explain, Apply, Share, Reflect, and Extend the Learning.

  • Digital collaboration is choreographed to give every student a voice and chance to be heard by their classmates.

  • Critical thinking and problem solving skills can be developed through linked tasks.

  • Students create unique products to demonstrate their understanding.

  • Learn more about Hyperdocs

Explore-Explain-Apply HyperDoc Lesson Plan Template



Yearly Planning Template

Feel free to make a copy of this to aid in team planning.

Planning Calendar 2020-2021

Student Weekly Planning Template

Feel free to share with students so they can take each teacher's individual agenda and make a weekly agenda for themselves.

Remote Weekly Agenda

More Resources


Vic's HyperDoc Intro Video

How to add hyperlinks to an icon in Google Docs