Street Department

Robert Marquez

 Contact information 

(325) 884-2511

(325) 884-2012 After Hours


 Department Manager: Robert Marquez, has been  with the City of Big Lake since 2013.

Others in the Department: Mario Botello, Tyler Doege ,Jeremy Wright, Skyler Robinson and Issahia Valenzuela

About our Street Department......

The City of Big Lake Street Department is responsible for the maintenance of residential streets.  The Street Department also performs patching of pot-holes, street sweeping and maintenance of alley roadways, street signs.  In addition, they replace street signs and mow highway right-of-ways within the city limits.

Some additional information you might find helpful....

Frequently Asked Questions:

Who do I call if there are potholes in the street or the alley?

Call City Hall at 325-884-2511 and provide an accurate location of the pot hole.  City Hall maintains a street repair list.

Does the City sell caliche or road materials?

No, the City is not permitted to resale any road construction materials.

Can I place large items by the dumpsters in the alley for pick-up?

It is forbidden to place items next to the dumpster in the alley.  The City of Big Lake will provide a free pick-up of items for Senior Citizens.

Can I get woodchips from the City?

Yes, woodchips are free to the public, when available.  Call City Hall at 325-884-2511 to make arrangements.

How do I get a "slow - children at play" sign for my street? 

Contact City Hall at 325-884-2511.

How do I report a street light that is out?

Contact City Hall at 325-884-2511 to report.