Gas Department

Felipe Vazquez

Contact information 

(325) 884-2511

(325) 884-2012 After Hours


 Department Manager: Felipe Vazquez, has been  with the City of Big Lake since 2007.

Others in the Department: Josh Row and Bryce DeLaRosa

About Our Natural Gas Distribution System...

The City of Big Lake Natural Gas is supplied from West Texas Gas.  The City of Big Lake owns, and operates 20.4 miles of gas piping, varying from 2 inches up to 4 inches. The City of Big Lake Gas Department is responsible for the maintenance and replacement of gas meters.  

Digging in Big Lake, Texas......Call 8-1-1

When anyone digs in Big Lake, Texas, there is a high probability of an underground utility line being within the dig site. Hitting an underground utility line does more than interrupt utility service - it risks the safety of the person digging and the public.  Texas law requires homeowners to contact 8-1-1 two (2) business days (excluding weekends and holidays) before digging, even if you're working in your own backyard. Homeowners, Contractors and Business owners should contact 8-1-1 when:  building a fence; planting a tree; installing a sprinkler system;  or performing any chore or maintenance that requires digging. There is no cost to call 8-1-1 (website) to find out where your underground utility lines are. 

Some additional information you might find helpful....

Frequently Asked Questions:

What do I do if I smell a strong odor of gas inside my residence?

First, evacuate the residence and call City of Big Lake at 325-884-2511, after hours 325-884-2012.  Do not open windows and doors prior to leaving the residence! Do not turn lights on or off!  Do not start your vehicle if it is close to the residence. 

What if I tamper with the gas  meter?

Tampering with a meter is considered Criminal Mischief.  Penalties range from a Class C Misdemeanor to a Felony of the First Degree, based upon pecuniary loss. Please refer to Penal Code Section 28.03 in it's entirety for complete information.    

Sec. 28.03.  CRIMINAL MISCHIEF.  (a)  A person commits an offense if, without the effective consent of the owner: 

c)  For the purposes of this section, it shall be presumed that a person who is receiving the economic benefit of public communications, public water, gas, or power supply, has knowingly tampered with the tangible property of the owner if the communication or supply has been:

(1)  diverted from passing through a metering device;  or

(2)  prevented from being correctly registered by a metering device;  or

(3)  activated by any device installed to obtain public communications, public water, gas, or power supply without a                       metering device.

What is the base gas rate?

Inside City limits minimum base rate is $30.00 for 2 MCF.  Over 2 MCF is $15.00 per MCF.  See the full Utility Services and Fee Structures by visiting the Ordinances page. 

Why are the City of Big Lake Gas Department employees walking in my neighborhood?

The City of Big Lake performs yearly leak surveys during the summer months.  Employees are checking for any gas leaks that may have not been previously reported.

I don't have gas services at my residence but I smell an odor of gas.  What do I do?

Contact the City of Big Lake at 325-884-2511 to report the odor of gas.  The Gas Department employees will investigate the area for possible gas leaks.  The odor of gas can travel through sewer lines increasing the importance of reporting odors of gas.