Excavation Notice

In compliance with requirements of the Railroad Commission of Texas, the City Council of the City of Big Lake, Texas, has adopted Ordinance #84-0223 which requires notification to the City before ANY EXCAVATION BEGINS. This requirement applies to all excavation in the streets, alleys, and right of ways in the City. Private property is excluded from this notification requirement.

The City participates with ONE CALL Systems of Texas and Texas 811. Please call 1-800-545-6005, or 8-1-1, prior to excavation. A Line Location Order will be issued and a City employee will meet with you to locate all utility lines as per Ordinance #84-0223.

Remember that all buried gas piping downstream of the property line and all gas piping downstream of the gas meter belongs to the customer and the customer is responsible for operation and maintenance. The City of Big Lake does not own these lines and does not routinely maintain or locate them. Commercial plumbers or contractors should be contacted when these gas lines need maintenance or repair.

Buried Gas Piping should be:

  • Periodically inspected for leaks

  • Periodically inspected for corrosion if piping is metallic

  • Repaired if any unsafe condition is discovered, or the flow of gas is cut off, and

  • When excavation is performed, or about to be performed, near the gas pipeline, the piping should be located and marked in advance, and excavation performed near the piping should be done only by hand.

This is a Notice only. If you have any questions or comments regarding this Notice, contact the City Office at 325-884-2511.