Sarah Adelman

Grocery Store 1

18" x 18" - Charcoal on paper

Grocery Store 2

18" x 18" - Charcoal on paper


I find myself enjoying making very automatic, graphite or charcoal drawings when thinking of things to make. I enjoy the process of making these drawings because I don’t put any pressure on myself to make them anything other than what they are: sketches. However unlike a sketchbook, these sort of drawings on big paper allow me to be experimental on larger pieces of paper. However, I create drawings such as these with the intention to dip my toes into the water of a topic or subject, and I find myself satisfied with the self-assured result.


16" x 14" - Oil on canvas

Bird Song Encore

24" x 24" - Oil on canvas


Similarly to how I make my grocery store drawings, these paintings exhibit the framework that I used in creating those to create these. The fast-paced layering of color is similar to how I use my charcoal; thinking about shape and value rather than the details. However in these paintings, I push that further and start to explore color and the details that would usually be left out as an initial sketch. The progress that these paintings show is beyond anything of a simple sketch, but they reflect the what-if’s of my process.