Lea Mira

Gzhel Man with beard to keep warm.

Gzhel Woman with two little ones.

Gzhel Cobbler

The Village of Gzhel

Gzhel Girl reading with Cat.

What are you noticing about the process of media within your artistic process?

This body of work is inspired by my family's collection of Gzhel clay vessels and figurines made in the village of Gzhel, Russia. The particular clay and color of glaze informed my choice of using blue ink. In the process of drawing them I took into account how as children my sister and I would play with them for hours; and the characters and stories we created. The ink used in a free flowing manner helps the drawings to function as memories.

Gzhel Shelf

How do you know a work is complete?

When I feel like I have nothing more to add to it and that I’ve already accomplished what I wanted to in a piece. Also in a way I can tell I’ve made progress when I don’t like an old drawing anymore. I think I can draw them better but then I won’t like those and the cycle repeats.

Charcoal drawing Under the Train Tracks

Acrylic paintings: Composition #1, Composition #2

How is your progress and or process unique to you?

I guess my process is unique to me the way everyone’s process is unique to them. We’re not clones and no two peoples processes are the same. I don’t think I do anything super wild or unusual but maybe I just think that because that’s the process I’m used to. Someone else may think my process is weird or dumb. I don’t think it’s possible to have the exact same process as someone else so I suppose that is what makes my process unique.

Looking out of the corner Looking into the corner