Lee Blake


Acrylic on canvas

What are you noticing about the process and use of media within your artistic process?

I notice that I spend a lot of time working on going back and changing things.


Acrylic on canvas


Acrylic on canvas


Ink and graphite on paper

How do you know you are making progress in your artistic endeavors / how do you know a work is complete?

When I have made process I will be able to look back at old works and see differences that I like. Like more realistic proportions, more diversity in shapes, and being able to apply culture into my characters.





How is your progress and or process unique to you?

Usually when I work I have to feel a certain emotion. I have to have some sort of drive to finish my pieces. After that I usually work on what its gonna look like. Then I work and listen to music, whatever emotion I feel, I listen to a certain type of music. I then go back and change it multiple times, like cleaning up, adding things I forgot. This is my process. My progress usually takes more time and isn't very noticeable until later in life, but it's there.

