Gemma James


acrylic on canvas


acrylic on canvas


acrylic on canvas


In my opinion my painting process is very interesting because when I paint, I don’t necessarily plan out how I want my painting to end up. I have a simple idea of things I want to add but never really plan it all out. My process is normally making a simple plan that includes things I would like to see in my painting when it's done then, I start painting shapes to see where it will take me. I really like my process because it also challenges me to see what I can make of things. In my painting Concentrate - I wanted to bring attention to the center of the “wheel” in the middle of the composition. The shapes and value from the corners also bring attention and lead to the center.

Laundrey Chute sketch

Ink on paper

Laundrey Chute,

graphite on paper


I think when I’m drawing it usually starts off with a kind of not knowing what it’s going to be even if I have a plan on how I want it to turn out. My progression grows throughout the time I spend on my drawings. For example when I draw, sometimes I feel like it won’t turn out well but as I keep going, I can really see how even just a few little extra touches can change everything.

Portraits of Clara

graphite on paper

Doodling on my arm

marker on paper, site specific

Eye Examination Series

graphite, marker on paper