Deedee Kinzie

Prophetic Room


Weaving Process


My process starts by finding repeating images or patterns or ideas that appeal to me. I try to translate whatever I’ve observed into a drawing or a painting or an embroidery or a sculpture. I like to combine seemingly unrelated things that I associate together for whatever reason. Making associations because of my own memories helps me understand why certain things, especially very mundane things, appeal to me so much. Even the most profound and ambitious ideas can be broken down into small pieces. You have to start with these small pieces, see how they can fit together, how they can’t fit together, and then make something of your own from there.


Oil on canvas


Ink on paper


Ink on paper

Sealed Attic

Watercolor on paper


“Progress” can be deceptive because it is never as simple as just adding to something or doing more of the same thing. Each time I approach a subject, material, concept, etc., I have to think of it in a new way. Even in one piece, between walking away and coming back to it my entire concept of it will shift. A lot of “progress” is undoing, erasing, replacing, or simplifying. I only need to include the most essential things that I learned from the piece as I worked on it. I am always in the middle of doing several things at once so it’s difficult to see one thing progressing separately from everything else. Often one piece will continue another piece, or I will start something new in the middle of another project. This can cause pieces to overlap or have unintentional similarities.