Lana Liu

Still Life Study 1

Oil on canvas

Still Life Study 2

Oil on canvas


Still Life Study 1 is my first work at The Chicago Academy for the Arts. While Still Life Study 2 is my later work which shows how the attention to detail has been improved.

I think the biggest difference & difficulty between indoor and outdoor is the light source. Outdoors, the light will be different due to the change of time, and the main color of different time periods will be different. This is very maddening when you find that the shadows of all objects have changed after processing a certain part of the screen. Knowing this will help me improve my drawing speed, because I know I have to deal with the structure and color blocks quickly.

Still Life Study 3

Oil on canvas

Landscape Study

Oil on canvas

Still Life Study 3 and the Landscape Study are works in progress.


Most of the works made this semester in drawing class have involved the process of digital media.

Digital media is a new art form for me, only starting to recently work with it within the this past year. I personally think that it has been better for me in learning foundational traditional drawing skills before trying digital art. The advantage of digital art is the ease of drawing and the high compatibility of brushes. The layer effect and various shortcut keys are very efficient and more suitable for online commercial works, so the processing methods will be different. That being said I still apply traditional techniques of conventional drawing to my digital works.