Madeline Farinas de Leon



Typically my process involves a lot of thinking. I think for a long time before I even begin working. Usually I have an image of what I want the final piece to look like, and although that can shift once I start working, I have a path I know I need to take to achieve it. However in the process of making “Glitchix” my process had to be turned on its head a bit- never having wove before I couldn’t accurately imagine how each technique would look, so there was a lot of trial and error. I still thought a lot about color theory and balance but ultimately let experimentation guide me.

Just Divorced


My Daily Drawings and Embroidery also challenged my idea of progress. Usually progress for me is the step or choice I make to closer my piece to its final form. However, the Daily Drawings are ongoing and rather than contributing to one singular final work they contribute to a culminated body of work. My embroidery, although reaching towards a final work, won’t be complete for so long it’s more about how the embroidery, as its own entity, progresses.

Daily Drawing