Isabel Weiss


oil, graphite and color pencil on canvas


Process to me, is extremely crucial within my work. From collecting reference images, creating studies, and collaging, I find that it is my process that largely inspires and motivates me to continue my artistic endeavours. My progress is extremely dependent upon my process and oftentimes, the two find themselves fused together. Preliminary planning is a key part of my process. I enjoy creating collages and smaller studies of my pieces to work off in a larger scale and through the use of a different medium. With this, comes progress. Any advancement from a study or collage to me, signifies internal and tangible growth. The internal being my representation of the subject in a new medium whether that be painting, installation, drawing etc. from the original study and the tangible being the actual piece itself in its state of completion. My progress and process are constantly expanding and working in tandem.


graphite, color pencil on paper


collage in Photoshop




embroidery, graphite on canvas


personal greeting cards, paper ephemera, graphite, color pencil