'19-'20 Quarter 1

Kindergarten Kiddos

Cave Art

We explored the caves of Lascaux and had a grand time drawing these masterpieces in our caves! (Under our Art tables!)

Mosaic Rainbows

We learned about mosaic art and made our very own of paper.

Collaborative Puzzle

We learned about pattern: repeating shapes and colors and colored our piece of this giant kindergarten puzzle.

First Grade Friends

The Dot

We celebrated Dot day by painting on coffee filters with watercolor paint to create this collaborative art.

Mosaic Crayons

We explored the art of mosaics and then created our own with ripped pieces of paper.

Second Grade Superstars

Rainbow Fish

We teamed up to be a school of kind fish for this bulletin board.

Piet Mondrian

We studied the art of Piet Mondrian and created these fabulous drawings on shiny tinfoil.

Wings of Nike

We were victorious studying the Greek goddess Nike and learned about symmetry along the way.

Third Grade Tots

Character Speck

We read "Horton Hears a Who" and talked about character. We then created our own speck with our unique characters and how we display them.

Warm & Cool Iguanas

We learned about warm and cool colors to create the scenes of awesomeness.

Fourth Grade Firecrackers

Fraction Quilt

We jumped right into fractions this year and explored how beautiful quilts actually incorporate quite a bit of math. This collaborative effort turned out wonderfully.

The Great Wave

We studied the art of Hokusai, a famous Japanese printmaker and then created our own scene using foreground, middle ground and background.

Fifth Grade Foxes

Topography Sculptures

Students explored the concept of topography maps and then created their own terrain.

Dali Elephants

Students studied the surrealist artist Salvador Dali and recreated their own version of these unreal elephants.

Sixth Grade Stunners

Keep Calm Parody

Sixth grade studied propaganda art of WWI and its influence to make the viewer feel a certain kind of way. They then recreated the iconic "Keep Calm and Carry On" poster with their own message, whether silly or sincere.