2018 Quarter 1

Kindergarten Happenings

Kindergarten was super busy learning all about how the art room works! While they were creating their rainbow mosaics, each student got called over to add their handprint to our collaborative handprint rainbow. I love doing mosaics with kindergarten because I can really assess their fine motor abilities right away. Picking up those tiny pieces of paper isn't easy, but it tells me a ton! Lastly, we've been working on a collage piece of art by painting a background with watercolor paint, drawing and cutting out a silhouette of a tree and adding leaves falling for the season.

First Grade Happenings

First grade was busy getting used to the art room routines again. Our first project was an experiment in color mixing. Students created color windows of the primary colors: red, yellow and blue. When they hold these up to the light, you'll see brilliant color, but when you put two together, colors mix to create the secondary colors. It's magical! Lastly, they completed a crayon mosaic buy ripping piece of paper. These turned out fantastic and look so great in our hallways.

Second Grade Happenings

Second grade has been busy, busy with incredible projects! We started with Van Gogh sunflowers, since they were still in bloom and I just can't make myself take these down because they are so beautiful! Then we did Impressionistic Lily ponds inspired by Claude Monet. We looked at the art of Piet Mondrian and learned about cardinal directions, then created a name plaque. Lastly, we did a quick activity to demonstrate symmetry and color mixing with string and tempera paint. Did I mention we've been busy?

Third Grade Happenings

Third grade has had fun working with pattern and overlapping shapes to make pipes. Then looking at the art of Pop Artist, Keith Haring and recreating his interesting figures with lines expanding outward to imply movement.

Fourth Grade Happenings

Fourth grade studied the art of Georgia O'Keeffe and how she could turn a common object into an abstract wonder. They picked an object from nature and zoomed in leaving little room for a background to create these abstract designs. Next, we discussed number patterns and multiples to explore weaving options for this art. Who would've thought there'd be math in art?

Fifth Grade Happenings

Fifth grade has had a busy year starting off with MALLO camp! We decorated our MALLO shirts first thing this year with their last names, the number 18 (for our school year) and our Rawhide Wrangler bucking bronco rider on the front. They decorated their shirts with patterns and images from nature! This year Rawhide was chosen to create the MALLO camp journal for the next years group. So, as soon as they returned, while memories were fresh, they designed covers for the science center. Only one will be chosen and I can't wait to see the winning design. Then, we created a one-point perspective drawing with a photo of each student, as if they were stuck in a box. :)

Sixth Grade Happenings

Sixth grade has been busy getting DSPA's done right out the gate by doing Artist research! These turned out fantastic because not only did they each learn some unique things about their artist, but they had to dive into their artwork and even sketch a famous piece. Heart emoji!! They've also been working on their semester-long Op-Art pyramids which includes 4 different optical illusion drawings. They each created a unique tile using positive and negative space for this collaborative project (pictured at the left) which is now on the wall outside the Art room. I can't wait to add to this every year!

Kindergarten & 2nd Grade at Recluse Happenings

Cave Art we did under our tables after studying the cave art of Lascaux.

Paper collage sharks we did in honor of they're awesome!

Pigsties inspired by the artist Jackson Pollock, even with a little splatter paint!

Rainbow Mosaic's to slow down and work on our fine motor abilities.

3rd-5th Grades at Recluse Happenings

Out of Scale drawings that put everyday objects in out of proportion settings. Fun stuff!

Favorite Day Mobiles inspired by the inventor and artist Alexander Calder. Can you tell what their favorite day is just by observing their sculptures?

6th-8th Grades at Recluse Happenings

Collaborative string Art of our infamous Recluse Roadrunner. A super job well done! I can't wait for this to be hanging up in our building.

Individual string art: they each created their own unique design. We had to move the hammering portion to the gym, because wow.. we were the noisiest bunch!