October 2017

Kindergarten Mouse Paint

Kindergarten heard the book "Mouse Paint" by Ellen Stoll Walsh and then experimented with mixing primary colors to create secondary colors.

Kindergarten & 2nd Grade Symmetry Butterflies

Kindergarten and second grade at Recluse experimented with symmetry by drawing half a butterfly and painting half then folding their page to see the symmetry.

First Grade Diversity Self-Portraits

First grade heard the book "All Kinds of People" by Emma Damon and then created a paper collage self-portrait with a painted background.

Second Grade Kandinsky Circles

Second grade learned about the art of Wassily Kandinsky and then experimented with creating their own version with tempera paint making sure to leave complementary colors as the last circle and background.

Kindergarten & Second grade Model Clay Owls

Kindergarten and second grade at Recluse created folded model clay owls and then painted them with bright acrylic paints.

Third Grade Haring Art

Third grade created their own version of Keith Haring inspired art on tinfoil with marker, then traced around their figures to imply movement.

Fifth Grade Tree of Life

Fifth grade learned about Gustav Klimt's influential and beautiful art and then created their own Tree of life using metallic acrylic paint and various colorful sequins.

Sixth- Eighth Grade Rear-view Mirrors

Sixth, seventh and eighth grades at Recluse created an interesting one-point perspective by re-creating a rear-view mirror scene.

Kindergarten Egyptian Scarabs

Kindergarten learned about the Art of the ancient Egyptian scarabs and then created their own symmetrical bug on copper paper and colored them with permanent marker.

First Grade Color Windows

First grade learned about color mixing and what is can look like through our light spectrum. They then created their own color windows to experiment whenever they like using tagboard and color film.

Kindergarten and Second Grade Rainy Day Art

Kindergarten and second grade created self-portraits combining simple shapes, colored them with crayon and then did a marker rain wash in the background.