April & May 2018

Kindergarten Hot Air Balloons

Hot Air Balloons

Kindergarten made these super fun Balloons but following a guided drawing after studying the difference between a shape and form. They then ripped up the funnest color bleeding tissue paper and carefully placed cool colors in the center of their balloon and warm colors around the edges. We spritzed the paper with water to create this brilliant watercolor effect.

Kindergarten Kiddo in the Rain

Kids in the Rain

Welcome Spring! Well, a confused spring here in Wyoming! Kindergartners created this fun drawing by combining shapes, traced with sharpie, colored with crayon. Then we made magic by coloring rain drops with washable marker then dipping their art in water to make it look like rain!

Clay Sharks

First Grade Clay Sharks

First grade created these hungry sharks by combining two pinch pots, adding fins and scratching teeth into the clay. We painted these with acrylic paint.

Picasso Flowers in Hands

First Grade Picasso Flowers in Hands

First grade learned about Picasso's most simple paintings and then created their own version just in time for Mother's Day by tracing their hands with sharpie and painting stems and flowers with tempera paint.

Cezanne's Apples

Second Grade Cezanne's Apples

Second grade studied value and experimented with layering colors to create value within these fantastic apples. They used purple for shadows and yellow for highlights. They used recycled newspaper painted with watercolor paint for the background representing their table upon which their apples are sitting.

Abstract Art

Second Grade Abstract Art

Second grade created these abstract paintings by doing a rubbing of the bottom of their shoe and then painting with watercolor paint. They used complementary colors including value.

Pollock Puzzles

Third Grade Action Jackson Pollock Puzzles

Third grade studied the artist Jackson Pollock and his interesting paintings. They squinted to find all kinds of lines within his paintings and then created their own Pollock art by using various types if lines and then selecting four interesting colors to complete their art.

Stained Glass Windows

Fourth Grade Stained Glass Windows

Fourth grade looked at the top 10 stained glass windows from around the world and then created simple designs on black paper, cut them out, attached clear acetate and colored with permanent marker.

Lichtenstein Portraits

Fifth Grade Lichtenstein Portraits

Fifth grade studied the art of Roy Lichtenstein which was inspired by popular comics and graphic novels. Then they created a self-portrait, colored them with ben-day dots and painted the background with tempera paint.

Clay Cell Phone Amplifiers

Sixth Grade Clay Cell Phone Amplifiers

Sixth grade looked at the science behind how amplifiers work and you know we've all put our cell phone in a bowl to blast our favorite song! Same technology and idea, we created a clay version. I had high hopes of glazing these and creating true masterpieces, but the end of the school year came quickly and we ran out of time, so, we painted them with watercolor paint and then I clear coated them with acrylic spray.