Binghamton Research Days Student Presentations

Red Pandas and Repeating Pain: Intergenerational Trauma in Turning Red 

Authors:  Peter Proscia 

Field of Study: Arts and Humanities

Mentor: Leslie Heywood, English 


In keeping with their tradition of conveying socially pertinent themes with an artistic and emotional flair, Disney Pixar Studios has created a coming-of-age tale unlike any other in their2022 film, Turning Red. Spearheaded by Chinese Canadian director Domee Shi, Turning Red is infused with a realistic portrayal of what it means to be Asian in the Western world. Using a variety of personal experiences, Shi aims to create an expansive commentary on her role in Canadian society and the general notion of Eastern familial dynamics through her depiction of Meilin “Mei” Lee, a pubescent Chinese girl in 2002 Canada. At the core of Mei’s story lies an intricate discussion of intergenerational trauma, its prevalence in Asian families, and its recurrent impacts on various lineage members. For Shi, there is always a moment at which the branches of a family tree will splinter under the weight of intergenerational trauma. Turning Red is focused on illustrating this breaking point.