4th/5th Class
Hi all,
Sorry for not being in touch for so long. We have had a very busy few months in 4th/5th class. We performed the Christmas play this year and had great fun auditioning, practicing and performing it. Every pupil in the class had a part and we were exhausted after it . It was a great night with great singing, instrumentals, dancing and acting.
Ms Collins and some of the 6th class joined us one afternoon for an hour of coding. It was great fun and we look forward to doing more of it in 2020.
We walked to the lakes in our Santa hats and got to sing Christmas songs while we were down there. We also sang the reindeer hokee pokee! It was great fun!!
Happy New Year everyone, we'll be in touch soon.
Welcome back to school everyone! We are delighted to be back in school again for a new year and are looking forward to learning lots of new things. This month, we were learning all about the countries involved in the rugby world cup. We were very excited to have a visit from Danny Linehan with the cup and we all had a chance to pose with it. It was a very exciting day for all.