Warm up Exercises
These warm up exercises are helpful and used in class for students of all grades. We have added a printable version at the bottom if you would prefer to practice them that way.

ALLIGATOR CLAPS: Legs out straight tapping your toes together.
Alternatives: (1) Placing one foot on top of the other one. (2) Crossing your leg over the other. (3) Arms out straight clapping them together like a big mouth

APART-TOGETHER/JUMPING JACKS: Start with your arms and legs together close to your body. Then jump moving your arms and legs away from your body. Then jump again returning to the together position. Repeat.

BLAST OFFS: Crouching down on your feet, count down or up 3…2….1…. BLAST OFF! Then jump up as high as you can.

BRIDGE: Laying on your stomach, raising your tummy off the ground and staying up on your hands and toes. (To make more difficulty try lifting up an arm or leg. )

TABLE: If you’re sitting on the ground, your legs are out front, and arms back and raising your tummy off the ground and holding that position. (To make more difficulty try lifting up an arm or leg.)

BUTTERFLY/PB&J: Sitting on the floor, bring the bottom of your feet together and hold your toes. To stretch even more, try and touch your nose to your toes.

TOES TOUCHES: Sitting on the floor, legs and knees out as straight as you can, Reach with arm and lift leg to touch toes. For added challenge, lean back!

COOKIES & PIZZA: Standing up or sitting tall with your arms out straight, make small circles and big circles with your arms in both directions.

WOODCHOPPERS: Sitting or standing, interlock your fingers and raise your arms up above your head then bring them down to “chop” one of your knees. Alternate legs. To make it harder, try lifting your leg as you “chop” it and making contact in the air holding your leg up.

TREES: Standing up tall on your tip toes and holding it for 5-10 seconds.
Alternative: TRUNK TWIST: keep feet glued to the floor and twist back and forward.

WINDMILLS: Standing with legs apart and reaching across your body and touching your hand to your opposite toe. Then switch and reach to other side. Repeat to both sides. To simplify, try seated.

SUPERMAN: Laying on your stomach raise your arms and legs off the ground holding for 30 seconds.
Alternative: While keeping them in the air try moving your arms and legs fast like a swimmer.

CROSS COUNTRY SKIERS: Step forward with one foot and the opposite hand. Then jump and switch legs and arms so the other is in the front. Make sure to keep an opposite hand and foot in front at all times.

MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS: While standing, try stepping one leg up towards your head then switching with the other foot. Repeat
To add a challenge, do this from a bridge position.

ROW YOUR BOAT: While singing the song “Row Row Row Your Boat” balance on your bum with your feet and hands off the ground. Pretend your arms are rowing a boat

HELICOPTER: Standing up with your arms extended out to your sides turning and our body is turning in a circle spinning like a helicopter. Try spinning in both directions

FLAMINGO: Standing up and standing on one foot. This is good practice for balance



If you would prefer to practice these warm up exercises with the picture cards that are used in class, you may view them here.