Job Related

These are gross motor job related skill practice that can be done around the school to practice and develop skills that may be required in certain job settings. By practicing these throughout the day we should increase the students endurance in a job environment.

Push a cart

Push an empty cart for one minute, add time and weight

Core strength Sitting on stools and exercise balls instead of chairs or at tables to prevent slouching


Scavenger hunts to different locations around the building and eventually in the community


Standing on a half-ball for one minute, eventually holding items.

Bagging Groceries

Practice loading heavier items on bottom and transferring bags to cart

Sweeping or Mopping

Spreading a bucket of easily visible confetti on the floor in different locations and sweeping. Using hockey sticks to transfer pucks from one end of building to other.

Lifting boxes/Stocking shelves

Transfer one set of boxes between two sets of shelves. Change labels on boxes for sorting skills and add different weights.

Wiping tables

Spraying a surface with water and toweling it off until it’s dry for one minute