
Soccer, is a team sport played with a spherical ball between two teams of 11 players. FUN FACT.....It is played by approximately 250 million players in over 200 countries and dependencies, making it the world's most popular sport.

Stationary Ball Kick.MOV

Stationary Ball Kick

Soccer Dribble with Trapping.MOV

Soccer Dribble with Trapping

Soccer Skills Rubric


Items Needed:

  • Ball - 1 for each member of the family

  • Goal - 2 cones placed apart, Soccer net, 2 trees that are naturally spaced apart, or 2 chairs placed apart

Red Light Green Light Soccer Style

This version of the classic Red Light Green Light game emphasis soccer skills such as dribbling, trapping, and kicking a ball right in your own backyard.

  • Start with everyone along the starting line with their ball,

  • When the callers says ‘Green Light’ everyone will dribble their soccer ball towards the finish line,

  • When the caller says ‘Red Light’ everyone must immediately trap their soccer ball,

  • When you get close enough to the goal, kick to score. If you miss, go back to start,

  • Start a new round when everyone kicks a goal.