

Ways to Practice:

  • Stand with 1 foot in front of the other on either side of a line (staggered) 10 seconds –right side and left side in front

  • Stand with 1 foot no more than 3” in front of the other on a line 10 seconds – left side and right side – tandom stand

  • Tap a step with alternating feet 10 cycles

  • Stand with right foot on left foot and left foot on right foot for 10 seconds – to

  • Stand with 1 foot on the ground and 1 foot elevated on a 6” – 8” ball for 10 seconds (If this is too hard to do, place ball against the wall).

  • . Tap a ball with alternating feet 10 cycles

  • Stand on tiptoes up to 10 seconds

  • Stand on heels up to 10 seconds

  • Stand on 1 foot- both right and left sides 10+ seconds

  • Stand on 1 foot both right and left sides with eyes closed 10+ seconds

  • Puppy dog with a long tail (on hands and knees extend 1 leg and hold for up to 10 seconds) right and left legs

  • Pointer: Do puppy dog with a long tail and raise opposite arm, pointing out straight; hold for 10 seconds each side

  • Sitting still or bouncing on a ball

  • Statues game – running and freezing as a statue-frozen statue, not to be knocked over (student holds position while teacher gives gentle pushes in different directions)

  • Heel walk and toe walk with alternating feet

  • Practicing various yoga positions

  • Balance with a beanbag on your head, arm, leg, elbow or other body part

  • Play clapping games while holding a balance position

DYNAMIC BALANCE (balancing while moving)

Ways to Practice:

  • Walk with 1 foot on a line/curb for 10 consecutive steps forward

  • Walk sideways on a line for 10 steps

  • Walk backwards with 1 foot on a line for 10 steps

  • Walk on tiptoes, alternating feet, on a line/balance beam/curb for 10 steps

  • Pick up objects off line/balance beam/curb and continue walking

  • Stop and go movement activities: Red light-Green light; Simon Says

  • Tag/chasing games

  • Dancing activities

  • Climbing activities

  • Walking forward on various raised lines: jump rope, string, bean bags, etc.

  • Jumping on a trampoline

  • Animal walks activities

  • Beanbag activities: balance the beanbag on any body part while stationary or moving

  • Move with a partner while keeping a beanbag balanced between hands (elbows, hips, etc) of each partner