
What to look for: Catching

  1. A preparatory phase where hands are out in front of the body and elbows are bent.

  2. Arms extend while reaching for the ball as it arrives.

  3. Ball is caught with hands only.

Activities/Games for practice:

  • Corral a rolled playground ball while sitting on the floor with legs spread in "V" back and forth with a partner.

  • Catch a bounced playground ball, 1st trapping the ball against chest, then catching the bounced ball using only hands.

  • Catch an under hand tossed yarn ball from an adult 8 feet away (increase/decrease distance base on success).

  • Catching balloons (air and water).

  • Catching different sized stuffed animals

  • Catching a balled up shirt or other clean laundry items

  • Hot Potato catching with timer.

  • Catch with velcro pads and tennis ball


Catching with 2 hands


Catching with a parter