Upcoming Events

Join us! Why not come along to our next meeting? This will be held on Wednesday 3rd July at 9.00 am in the Family Learning Centre. 

Friday 19th July 3pm-5pm  PTA Summer Fair!

Our PTA Team

Mrs Sargent (Vice Principal) President

John Page Chair

Amy Brooker Vice Chair

Keileigh Page Secretary 

Kayleigh Moorcroft-Jones Treasurer 


Break the Rules Day

On Friday 24th May, we hosted a Break the Rules day. The children were given permission to break the uniform rules on this day and they had great fun with it! The money raised on this day will be going straight back into the school so thank you for your donations.

Easter Egg Hunt

On 28th March this year we had our annual Easter Egg Hunt. We used lots of spaces around the school and did not let the rainy weather stop us!

Year 6 Leavers Hoodies

Our Year 6 children have been enjoying their special hoodies which they purchased in their final year of primary school. They are allowed to wear these on PE days.

Thank you to the PTA for organising this experience for the children.

What is the PTA? 

The PTA (Parent Teacher Association) is an open community of parent volunteers working alongside the school and teachers to benefit the school and ensure the best educational experience for all its students. We are looking for parent/carer volunteers who would like to join the SJA PTA. 

The aim of our PTA  is to plan fun events over the year for our children whilst raising money for our school. We  aim to make events affordable and enjoyable for everyone. Successful events we have held include: discos, movie nights, fairs, pop-up gift shops, uniform sales and second hand clothing collections as well as providing refreshments at other school organised events.

PTA Email:

How can you help? 

The more members of the PTA we have the better things will be. You can help by attending a fun, informal meeting to help plan and organise events, fundraising, social media posts, baking, serving drinks, manning stalls to securing prizes from local organisations and helping to set up equipment. 

Perhaps you have a flair for graphic design, events management, photography, or you're good at selling raffle tickets and promoting events. There are all sorts of skills we will need! As many of us are working parents or have caring responsibilities, we appreciate the pressures of family and work and we value any amount of time parents can spare us. We hope to strike a happy balance between home, work and PTA life – but with more volunteers on board it definitely helps to share the load! 

Why is a PTA important for a school? 

Do I need to be DBS checked?

If you want to be able to help at in-school events where you will be in contact with the children then you will need to have a check carried out by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) to ensure the safety of the children. You may already have a valid DBS certificate but, if not, it's a very simple procedure, so please don't let this put you off! Some activities, the summer fair, for example, where the children are under parental supervision, don't require a DBS check. You don't need a DBS to attend meetings and help with planning events either. 

For any more information or to ask any questions please email:

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Autumn Newsletter 23-24

PTA Autumn Newsletter .pdf