Equality & Diversity

Our six main aims are:

  • To ensure a broad and inclusive education that fosters a sense of belonging, builds worth and enables children and young people to engage constructively and effectively with each other and with society;

  • To deliver a remarkable education rich in representation, experience and role models that inspires all of our children and young people to know and believe that they can choose remarkable lives;

  • To build and maintain a diverse workforce by identifying, attracting, retaining and developing diverse candidates with a wealth of experience and talent;

  • To cultivate and promote an inclusive culture that maximises the talent, skills and diversity within our school;

  • To establish clear data sets and robust procedures to monitor and drive improvement in all equality and diversity measures; and

  • To break down barriers, build rich relationships and promote wide parent and community engagement for the positive benefit of the whole community.

As part of the EEDI agenda, we seek to address inequalities among pupils in five key areas:

  • To close the attainment gap between boys and girls in English, Mathematics and Science at all key stages;

  • To close the gap in performance of all pupils with special educational needs or disabilities;

  • To close the gap in performance between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged groups;

  • To promote cultural development and understanding through a rich range of experiences both in and beyond the curriculum; and

  • To prevent and respond to all hate incidents and prejudice-based bullying.

Equality Act 2010

We believe that all of our pupils, staff and parents have equal rights and should be treated equally regardless of any differences. We are committed to meeting its responsibilities in relation to the Equality Act of 2010 and aims to uphold the three main elements of the Act:

- Eliminate discrimination and other conduct that is prohibited by the Act.

- Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.

- Foster good relations across all characteristics - between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.

Not only do we as an academy have a legal duty to promote the ideals of equality and diversity in light of the Equality Act 2010 but we have a moral duty to prepare our students for a world that is far more diverse than the academy or its immediate locality. Areas of focus include differences and perceptions based on race, religion, gender, class, sexuality and ability/disability.

Many of these topics are further explored in areas of the curriculum including Literacy, History, RE, PSHE and Topic work. The main aim of this focus is to encourage discussion and to raise awareness and appreciation of our differences by educating our children and parents we hope to improve our communities relations and remove barriers of fear and ignorance that often cause discrimination to occur.

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