Physical Education

Our Physical Education Intent Statement:

"To enable our children to be determined and resilient through competitive sport and build confidence, competence and character through physically challenging activities whilst embracing a positive, healthy body and mind."

Mr Brown, PE Lead

Curriculum Design

The curriculum map is designed in such a way that children are able to build on their prior learning. Basic core skills are revisited at the start of each unit to allow children to understand and select the skills that are required. These are then embedded throughout the unit. The skills are revisited each week and built on as the children’s bank of knowledge grows. Children's knowledge is built upon throughout each year and across the year groups in order to develop more sophisticated skills and application of tactics and rules within game play.

PE Curriculum Overview

SJA Curriculum Overview - PE

PE Progression of Knowledge & Skills

SJA Progression Document - PE

How is PE taught at St James The Great Academy

In the Early Years, children have the opportunity to be physically active in their environment, through play. They have regular access to appropriate outdoor space where they are able to practise movement skills and have access to sporting equipment such as balls, rackets and trikes, providing them with the opportunity to engage in daily sporting activities. In Reception, in addition to their outdoor provision, children have a dedicated weekly PE session where they are able to engage in activities such gymnastics and dance along with throwing and catching and travelling in a range of different movements. These gross and fine motor skills are vital for their development to enable them to pursue happy, healthy and active lives. 

From Y1-6, children have two hours a week timetabled for PE. Within the half-term units which include gymnastics, dance, invasive games, striking and fielding, athletics and swimming (for Years4-6), there is a significant focus on key concepts such as core strength, throwing and catching and multi-skills.  

PE Subject Policy

PE Policy

As part of annual Sports Days the children are able to develop fundamental behaviours that emerge from participating in and competing in sports. Alongside this we are developing our positions within local leagues in order to compete against other schools in a range of sports.

SJTGA has sought to provide sporting opportunities for all children through accessible, challenging, multi-sport experiences at all ages and abilities. In turn, this will ensure that all children develop character and learn skills such as problem-solving, resilience, perseverance, confidence, sportsmanship and teamwork.

Our football team in action