About Us

Ms Tamasin Springett

Principal's Welcome

I would like to offer you a very warm welcome to St James the Great Academy. 

As the Principal of the school  I am very proud of the school and its achievements and as an AET academy, our mission is pure and simple: 'To enable our children to lead remarkable lives'.  

We pride ourselves on being a friendly, caring school with high expectations for all our pupils. Our children learn through a range of exciting learning opportunities both within and outside the classroom. The staff works hard to provide a stimulating environment where good behaviour and mutual respect is modelled by everyone and where everyone is valued.

I hope you enjoy finding out more about our school by browsing our website. Visits are encouraged and welcomed. We would be delighted to show you around our wonderful school.

Academies Enterprise Trust

Our academy is part of Academies Enterprise Trust (AET).

Academies Enterprise Trust (AET) is a national family of schools dedicated to education that inspires all the young people in our care to choose to lead a remarkable life. It is our deeply held belief that every child has something remarkable to offer and we see it as our duty to help each and every child find this within themselves.

Inspiring each child to choose a remarkable life is the golden thread that binds us all together - the reason that despite our very different paths to AET, we are all part of one family.

Everything we do, every decision we make and the way in which we behave is focused on achieving that end goal and underpinned by our values.