PSHE& Relationship Education

Our PSHE & RSE Intent Statement:

"To enable all children to embrace their individual ambitions, knowledge and skills by teaching them to be healthy, safe, determined, and resilient members of the community."

Mrs Fannon, PSHE & RSE Lead

PSHE Curriculum Overview

2023 SJA Curriculum Brief Overview PSHE

PSHE Progression of Knowledge & Skills

SJA PSHE Progression Document
PSHE - Intent, implementation and impact statement.pdf

AS Steer 

As well as our weekly PSHE curriculum we are starting Footprints and AS tracking.

AS (Affective-Social) Tracking is a pupil voice, social and emotional assessment and tracking tools, equipping us to be proactive, targeted and evidence in our pastoral care. They are short 10m assessments  completed by pupils aged 8-11 twice a year, building a developmental narrative of their social emotional journey.

Introducing the Footprints Curriculum: 

STEER AS Tracking - Letter to Parents.docx