
Our Mathematics Intent Statement:

"To inspire curious, young people to see the creativity and power of mathematics in the wider world, by providing them with the opportuntites to acquire  core mathematical skills and proficiency which can be applied successfully and fluently in  a range of contexts and problems."

Miss Polom, Maths Lead

Curriculum Design: Sequencing & Progression

At SJA, we use a ‘teaching for mastery’ approach, ensuring pupils gain a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the Maths. We teach the National Curriculum, following the learning sequences of ‘White Rose Maths’. 

Our curriculum is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in mathematics. Students will gain a deep understanding of mathematics and enjoy solving mathematical problems. Our curriculum puts a significant emphasis on mathematical skills and the curriculum content has been sequenced in order to promote a depth of understanding. 

We aim to develop children’s enjoyment of maths and provide opportunities for children to build a conceptual understanding of maths before applying their knowledge to everyday problems and challenges. Children are guided along a coherent, small step journey together, using concrete, pictorial and abstract representations to explore concepts and build connections, with opportunities to both support and challenge thinking and reasoning. 

Maths Progression of Knowledge & Skills

SJA Maths Progression Document

How Maths is taught at SJA

Lessons are planned in carefully sequenced small steps to ensure our children build on their knowledge and understanding in a logical and systematic way. 

Teachers model and children will use concrete, pictorial and abstract models for each topic. Research conducted by the EEF underpins our expectation that both manipulatives and representations will be used in all year groups and across all ability groups to support learning before abstract methods are used; this will support our aim to help children become confident and independent mathematicians, allowing children to select from a range of strategies for both efficiency, to support success and deepen understanding. Children will use mathematical vocabulary consistently in all year groups.

Reasoning and problem-solving methods for calculation are taught alongside fluency and variation. Children will be expected to apply their learning within a range of contexts.

Maths Curriculum Overview 1-6

SJA Maths Curriculum Overview

Lessons within KS1 & KS2 follow this structure:

Maths Subject Policy

Maths Subject Policy

Maths Calculations & Key Representations Policy

Copy of SJA Calculation Policy 2022-23

Mathematicians at SJA

Our aim is for young mathematicians to become:

Maths End Points & Age Related Expectations

SJA Maths Termly Endpoints per Year Group

Early Years Maths

Teaching throughout Nursery and Reception ensures children develop their conceptual understanding of number through exploratory play. As well as the children learning very important number skills and facts, they learn important skills such as problem solving, understanding and using shapes and measure and developing their own spatial awareness. It is embedded throughout the Early Years environment and links are made as they become secure in the understanding of the world. At the start of this journey, a number of the week is fully explored where the children are able to see it in different orientations and recognise them in concrete and abstract forms which feeds into their curiosity and resilience when working with numbers. From here, they develop their mathematical oracy, discussing one more and less securing their knowledge of basic addition and subtraction. At the end of EYFS, children will have a secure knowledge of the basic ‘building blocks’ of mathematics to enable them to be KS1 ready. 

Early Years Progression of Knowledge & Skills 

EYFS Progression Map

Nursery Maths Curriculum Overview

Nursery Maths Curriculum Overview

Reception Maths Curriculum Overview

Reception Maths Curriculum Overview

Our remarkable Maths Curriculum in action...



Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

National Numeracy Day

Each Year Group took part in a Mathematical scavenger hunt, along with Maths puzzles within class. The theme for the day was ‘Maths is Everywhere’ so that the children could see how Maths fits into our everyday lives and it teaches us essential skills for life in the real world.