Academy Admission Arrangements

*Weekly tours of the school are now taking place*

If you would like to make an appointment to view the school contact our office on  01732 841 912

Academies Enterprise Trust is the admissions authority for St James the Great Academy. AET Admissions Guidance is available here.

Applications for places at the academy will be made in accordance with Kent Authority’s co-ordinated admission arrangements. They will be made on the Common Application Form and administered by the the applicant’s home Local Authority. 

St James the Great Admission Arrangements 2023-24 FINAL (Kent) READY
St James the Great Admission Arrangements 2023-24 FINAL (Kent) READY
FINAL St James the Great Admission Arrangements 2025-26

Hedgehogs After School Club

 We now provide wrap-around care with our existing Breakfast Club and our new After School Club! Please see below for more information and to apply for a space.

Information           Application Form

If you have any queries, please contact school office on 01732 841 912 or

Any objections to the determined admission arrangements should be submitted to the Office of the Schools Adjudicator (OSA) 

Below is the local authority link for Primary school admissions:

Please find more information and support for more information and support on starting school in Reception and ways that you can help your child prepare for their remarkable journey!