Wrap Around Care & Clubs

Breakfast Club

At St James the Great Academy we run a free Breakfast Club, which is currently open to all pupils. As numbers increase this may change to prioritise families who require the spaces to support working hours, pupil attendance/punctuality, etc.

Breakfast club begins at 8am in the Family Learning Centre and pupils are then taken to class by the Breakfast Club Assistants. Children are provided with breakfast and an opportunity to take part in various games and activities prior to school beginning.

 If you would like to apply for a space please speak to the office. 

Mrs D McClelland

Breakfast Assistant

Mrs K Barry

Breakfast Assistant

Hedgehogs After School Club

We now have an After School Club to provide child care from 3.20pm (the end oft he school day) until 4.30p or 5.30pm depending on your requirements. Please see below for more information about how to apply for a space.

After school club information

Mrs S Rees

After School Club Supervisor

Extracurricular Clubs

The academy offers a wide range of extra-curricular activities throughout the academy year. Our current offering can be viewed below.