Academy News & Letters

Weekly Newsletters

Summer term week 5 Newsletter
Summer term weeks 3 and 4 Newsletter
Summer term week 2 Newsletter
Summer term week 1 Newsletter

Letters to parents

Newsletter week ending 29-09-23
End of term 5 newsletter
Letter to parents 24th February 2023
SJA February 2023 Newsletter

School Councillors

We have been busy voting for our class school council representatives. Pupils spoke in front of the class explaining why they would be the perfect candidate for the job. Each class then voted for their representative. 

See our Pupil Leaders Page for the final results!

Pupil Leader Interviews

Pupils in Years 5 & 6 applied for the posts of pupil leaders. Those who successfully passed the first stage of applications were then interviewed by Ms Springett to find the perfect candidates for the job.

See our Pupil Leaders Page to find out who they are!

Harvest Festival

We have been preparing for our school Harvest Festival by collecting food to donate to the local food bank and learning songs and poems to give thanks and show our gratitude for the food that we receive.