
Our Computing Intent Statement:

"To enable our children to develop their life-skills of finding,

exploring, analysing, exchanging and presenting information. Safely and responsibly, our pupils will

become inquisitive, confident and creative users of information and communication technology."

Mrs Day, Computing Lead

Curriculum Design: Sequencing & Progression

At St James the Great we teach the National Curriculum through the Kapow Computing Curriculum; more information about this can be found here. Our Computing curriculum builds on skills and  knowledge broken down into these key areas, creating a cyclical route through which pupils can develop their computing knowledge and skills by visiting and building on previous learning:

Computer systems and networks

Data handling


Online Safety 

Creating media

Computing Curriculum Overview

Computing Curriculum overview Kapow

Computing Progression of Knowledge & Skills

Computing SJA Progression Document (Kapow)

How Computing is taught at SJA

At St James the Great Academy, we make computing a hands on enjoyable learning experience. Weekly computing lessons of the computing curriculum, both digitally on classroom 1:1 devices and unplugged activities, enable specific declarative and procedural knowledge to be taught. This knowledge can then be embedded across the curriculum where appropriate. 

Lessons incorporate a range of teaching strategies from independent tasks, paired and group work, as well as unplugged and digital activities. Each year group includes a termly unit of online safety work, which is also incorporated within our PSHE & RSE curriculum.

Computing Subject Policy

Computing Policy

Our remarkable curriculum in action...