Academy Uniform
The Academy strongly encourages the wearing of a uniform and P.E. kit, including sensible shoes, and it is hoped that parents will continue to support this policy.
We have ensured that the cost of the uniform is affordable for all families and many of the items can be obtained from major chain stores or supermarkets. We expect all children to adhere to the following basic uniform:
Maroon sweatshirts or cardigans with academy logo
Light Grey trousers, skirts or tunics
White shirts or blouses
Maroon/blue school tie years 3 – 6 only
Grey, black or white socks or tights
Plain black flat school shoes i.e. no trainers, heels, boots (N.B. pupils may wish to bring trainers to change in to for playtime; in the winter if pupils wear boots to school then they need to bring their school shoes for inside the school building)
The following optional uniform may also be worn in the summer term only:
Red striped or checked dresses or tailored grey shorts
PE Kit
Black shorts
Light blue t-shirt (school logo optional)
Plimsolls- years R-2
Trainers- years 3-6
Hairband/Scrunchie for long hair
PE Bag
Optional Outdoor PE wear
Royal blue hoodie (with logo) or Royal Blue soft shell jacket (with logo)
Navy blue or black joggers or dark coloured plain tracksuit
Other Important Information:
For children’s safety we would prefer that children do not wear jewellery in school. If you choose for them to do so, then they should only wear a watch and stud earrings, but the school will not be liable for their loss or damage. All items of jewellery must be removed for reasons of safety during PE, unless you complete a disclaimer form stating otherwise.
It is not appropriate for children to wear make-up, nail varnish or tattoos. All children should have neat and tidy hair, no hair colouring, hair art/tattoos or excessively shaven hair.
Please ensure that all uniform is clearly labelled with a permanent marker. As we have more than 200 children in school it is difficult to locate lost property when there is no name. Every year we have several items of unclaimed lost uniform which have not been named.
If you have any further questions about the uniform code, please ask at the school office.