Pupil Premium

What is the Pupil Premium Grant?

Pupil Premium is additional money allocated to schools by the government to support pupils from low-income families.  The aim is to narrow the disadvantage gap by addressing inequalities and raising the academic achievement of this particular cohort of pupils.

The pupils who attract this funding are those children who have free school meals or have done so in the last six years, children of service families or ‘looked after children’.

We also receive Pupil Premium block funding for our early years children.  Schools have autonomy to determine how best to use this funding.   There is however, an obligation for all schools to publish annually a report on how the pupil premium funding has been spent or is planned to be spent and what has been the impact on pupil premium pupil’s academic performance.

At St Helen’s Primary Academy our priority is to ensure that all pupils from all backgrounds have an equal chance of success.

Our aim is to:

Funding Each Year

2022/23 - £99,850

2021/22 - £134,500

2019/20 - £117,480

2018/19 - £113,520

2017/18 - £125,400

2016/17 - £147,779

2015/16 - £134,200

2014/15 - £123,536

Children in receipt of Pupil Premium Funding are tracked for both progress and attainment.

Click here for our 2022/23 Pupil Premium spend plan

Click here for our 2021/22 Pupil Premium spend plan

Click here for our 2019/20 Pupil Premium spend plan

Click here for our 2018/19 spending review

Click here for our 2017/18 spending review

Click here for our 2016/17 spending review