Early Years Offer

Information for Parents

Before your child starts

Here are some of our top activities you can be doing at home to prepare to your child for starting school or nursery.

Fun activities to add to your routine

Other ideas

Reception and Nursery Team

Miss Gray

Class Teacher

Miss Ward

Teaching  Assistant

Miss Mills

Teaching  Assistant

Reception and Nursery FAQ

We understand that being a parent of a child starting school can be a daunting experience. We have put together some frequently asked questions and their answers in order to answer as many questions as possible. If you have any other questions, please do get in touch. No question is a silly question. 

Do you offer 30 hour places?

We offer both 15 and 30-hour places for children aged 3-4 in our nursery setting. Children in 15-hour places may choose between morning (8-45-12:00) and afternoon (12:00-3:10) sessions. To find out if your child is eligible for a 30-hour funded place, please check the governments website: https://www.gov.uk/30-hours-free-childcare 

What is the routine on arrival?

Arrival time is 8:45 am. There is a member of staff at the gate waiting to welcome all of the children and parents on entry. Your child hangs his / her coat up in the cloakroom. Your child will complete their morning task to begin their day with a teaching assistant.

What equipment will my child need to bring to school?

Can my child bring toys into school?

We know your child may want to bring a toy in from home however, to prevent things getting lost or broken in school, it is better for these to stay at home where they are safe. If your child wants to bring something in to show the class - a special artifact, photograph, project etc - we are always happy for this to happen but please pass it directly to the teacher so that it can be stored safely until the right time.

What should I do if my child is ill?

Please telephone the school office 01226 295210. Our telephone lines open from 8 am but our voicemail service runs 24/7 so if you cannot speak to anyone directly then please leave a message. Please note that following a case of diarrhoea or sickness your child is not permitted to return to school until they are clear of symptoms for 24 hours.

What if my child needs medicine during the school day?

We do not accept medicines at the classroom door. You will need to fill in a form which is available at the school office - please walk round and someone will be happy to help. We are only able to administer current medicines prescribed by a doctor and clearly labelled with your child’s name.

If your child needs an inhaler, please provide one that can be kept in school. You will be asked to fill in a form so that your child can be added to our medical register.

What if I need to collect my child early for an appointment / we are late coming in to school one morning?

Please inform the office if you need to collect your child from school early for an appointment - wherever possible we ask to see an appointment card / letter. On the day of the appointment please go to the office and someone will collect your child for you.

If you are late for school one morning you will need to come to the school office - rather than your usual door - as your child will need to be marked as present on the register. They will then be taken to class by a member of the office team.

Where will my child have dinner (and what will they have)?

Your child will eat their dinner in the main dining hall. The Early Years children eat at a slightly earlier time than the older children in school. They will be supported by a member of the Early Years team but will also be encouraged to build their independence. The menu runs on a 4 week cycle and your child's class teacher will happily give you a copy of this so that you can see what your child has had to eat / help them to choose.

Who will be working with my child?

Your child will in Miss Gray's class. She is supported by Miss Ward and Miss Mills. 

Will I ever be able to come into school?

We do not let parents into school without a pre-booked appointment. If you would like to see your child's teacher, please phone the office and arrange an appointment. We do invite parents into school for parent's evenings and other events such as our fayres, these events will be communicated through Marvellous Me. 

What sort of things will my child be doing at school?

The school day starts at 8:45 and finishes at 3:10 Monday to Friday. During the school day children will have a phonics lesson with a member of the early years team, complete some small group maths/writing activities, have an opportunity to play outside and also be given plenty of time to explore the indoor areas of learning.

Will my child go outside?

Our early years setting has a dedicated playground for our EYFS children. Your child will be able to go outside whatever the weather. We ask parents to make sure that children are sent with suitable clothing to allow this to happen.

Will my child go on school trips?

Yes! We love school trips in Early Years. These range from visits to local shops to trips to the farm or we might even go on a Gruffalo hunt! Wherever we go we ensure that your child’s safety is our top priority. These trips will be communicated through Marvellous Me. 

When are the school holidays?

Please check the relevant section on the school website or walk around to the main reception where you can get a copy of the holiday calendar. 

What is expected of me as a parent?

We encourage parents to take an active role in the child’s school life. This will include; reading at home, attending parent workshops (where possible), attending parents evening, keeping school up to date with any changes in circumstance and most importantly making sure your child is prepared for the school day e.g. having a good sleep, eating a healthy breakfast. If you find you need any help, or even just someone to talk to at any time, please phone the school office who can offer advise or direct you to the best person. 

Do you have a breakfast club?

We offer a free breakfast club for all children in school that starts from 8am each morning. Children will have a chance to have a healthy breakfast and play games with new friends. Please see the page on our school website for more details or phone the school office to book a place for your child. 

Do the children need to bring a snack to school?

All children will be provided with free daily fruit and milk while in reception. There is no need for them to bring any other snacks into school.