
Our Philosophy

We, at St Helen’s Primary Academy, believe that primary school should be a safe and wonderful place where children want to be and promote learning to take place both in and out of the classroom. Learning should be through a mixture of exploration, engagement, enrichment and a variety of sensory and kinaesthetic experiences, which encourage learners to want to explore more in a journey of lifelong learning.  They will learn the fundamental English and maths skills needed to progress in their education and in their later life. 

Children will learn to shape their own futures and develop their unique characteristics and skills. They will be encouraged to be curious and use thinking skills to innovate, be creative and problem solve. They will develop the first understanding of employment and entrepreneurship. A primary education should set up learners for life, with the knowledge and skills to be well-rounded individuals, emotionally and physically healthy, with an appreciation for and a generosity towards people, the world and the universe around them.

Our Principles


At St Helen’s the journey for every child is grounded in inclusive opportunities to acquire the knowledge, skills and life experiences our children need to go on to choose to lead a remarkable life, while they are with us and beyond. Our curriculum is built on strong foundations of social and emotional wellbeing that encourage children to try new experiences, build resilience and embrace any new learning opportunities they may encounter in our holistic curriculum. We are a community that embraces our differences and values every person's contribution to making us remarkable.

Our Aims

Our Drivers

Excellent Attitudes 

1. Teach - We teach children our Behaviour Curriculum 

2. Model and practise - We model and practise the behaviour curriculum every day.

3. Intervene and support - We support and guide children to achieve excellence. 

4. Reward - We reward excellent attitudes.

Excellent Teaching 

1. Cognitive Science 

2. 3 tier PD

3. High expectations 

4. Strategies 

5. Techniques

6. Feedback 

7. Intelligent adaptations

Excellent Knowledge 

1. Knowledge-rich curriculum 

2. Staff development 

3. Assessment 

4. Support and intervention 

5. Keep up provision 

6. Leaders monitoring the implementation and impact of all subjects 


Our Approach 

Our Curriculum Design

We use the following schemes to enhance our curriculum but tailor the curriculum to suit the needs of our pupils: 

Maths - ARK Maths Mastery

Early Reading - Read Write Inc (RWI)

Reading - Year 2 to Year 5 Ark, Year 6 Reading sequence (aligned with ARK) 

Writing - ARK English Mastery 

Science - ARK mastery

History - ARK mastery

Geography - ARK mastery

Music - Kapow

MFL- AET Curriculum
Computing - Kapow

Art - Kapow
D.T. - Kapow

R.E - Discovery R.E 

PSHE - Jigsaw 


We measure the impact of our curriculum by effective monitoring. Each level of the monitoring system is quality assured and next steps/actions are taken. Our monitoring overview and guidance can be found below. 

When monitoring the curriculum as a whole, we reflect on the following questions:

When monitoring and quality assuring subjects, it is essential that the following points are consider: 

1. What is the intent, implementation and impact of your subject and is this evident whole school? 

2. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the whole school or year group specific and what actions will you take because of this? 

3. Do you know what clear and concise actions can be taken to fix any weaknesses and address the next steps and by who? 

4. Have previous actions been followed? Are they constantly improving? 

5. Is the monitoring you are doing effectively supporting you to understand how children are progressing through their curriculum? How does this look per class and as a whole school picture?

To view subject-specific curriculum pages, please click the links below!